Latest Spin Bikes

Soozier A90-254 Indoor Cycling Bike

The Soozier A90-254 is one of the indoor cycling bikes released in 2021. It offers a similar range of features to the Soozier A90-255 that we’ve already covered here. However, it has a different frame design, a saddle with extra …

Soozier A90-255 Indoor Cycle

The Soozier A90-255 is one of the indoor cycling bikes released in 2021. It’s slightly superior to the Soozier A90-144 that we’ve already covered here, as it comes with a heavier flywheel and has a higher user weight capacity. However, …

SOLE Fitness SB900 Indoor Cycle

The SOLE Fitness SB900 is one of the indoor cycling bikes released in 2014, however, it’s still available at the moment. Over the years, it has received several upgrades such as a better fitness monitor and a device holder. It …

FBSport Indoor Cycling Bike

The FBSport indoor cycling trainer is one of the exercise bikes released in 2021. In terms of features, it can be compared to the Lanos bike. However, it includes a fitness monitor with extra features, and its handlebar is …

Mihe Fitness X900 Indoor Cycle

The Mihe X900 is one of the exercise bikes released in 2021. It’s a bike made for spin workouts similar to the OVICX Q200 model, featuring a closed flywheel with a K-type frame. It does not include a fitness monitor, …

Soozier A90-212 Indoor Cycle

The Soozier A90-212 is one of the indoor cycling bikes released in 2020. As opposed to the A90-144 model that we’ve already covered here, this one features a 40 lbs (18 kg) flywheel and a four-way adjustable handlebar with more …

ONETWOFIT OT198 Indoor Cycle

The ONETWOFIT OT198 is one of the indoor cycling bikes released in 2020. It’s an exercise bike made for home use featuring a closed flywheel similar to the YESOUL M1. However, it has a slightly different construction and lacks …

Gymnastics Power Indoor Cycling Bike

The Gymnastics Power indoor cycle is one of the exercise bikes released in 2021. It features a handlebar similar to the SNODE Power One, but has a magnetic resistance system, not a standard friction one. It also includes a …